Mint Car: Anyone Can Sing!

Mint Car is another band from Metro Manila. They have brilliant tunes that made me include them in our first indie compilation. The band is composed of Cholo (drums/vocals), Cesar (bass/vocals), Aue (guitar/vocals), Christian (guitar/vocals), and Alex (guitar/vocals). Yeap anyone can sing!

“Yep with the present setup we try to make everyone do at least some shouting, haha.,” Alex said.

Kuya Alex was the one who sent me their mp3s that I requested. While listening to their song Longer Days, Colder Nights the other day.. I asked him what made him decide to get into music and start a band, and who made the lyrics of the song.

“Anyway about Mint Car, we got together through a common fondness for the Cure (which I guess everyone else is fond of too). Pero we come from different backgrounds and scenes - mod, new wave, indie, alternative, blues, pop.

“Longer Days...hati kami ni Xtian the other guitarist. :)”

I found the music more interesting and so I wonder If they have the same musical influences since the band started.

“We tried to stay away from everything the Cure did, though, and put emphasis on raw guitars and tribal drums. Tapos ayun, we just realized we've made our own sound.”

Like everyone else who’s interested to know more about Mint Car, I had an opportunity to ask Alex few questions.

Overtune: Any future releases of Mint Car?

Alex: We're recording two more songs na mas poppish than the rest. Hopefully matapos by mid-year.

Overtune: How long has the band been together?

Alex: We've been together since late 2006, so more than a year na rin. But the new lineup—with the former drummer on bass, a new drummer, and an additional guitarist—is barely a month old.

Overtune: The show that you played last night ... How did you decide the first and last song that you will play?

Alex: It was a Clash tribute night, so we agreed to play our The Clash cover, "Death or Glory,""Taste" because it has steady rhythm. Sometimes we start the set with "Longer Days, Colder Nights" or "Tambourine (Anyone Can Sing!)” last to make sure we are all psyched up for this number. The first song we played, one the other hand, was an original called

Overtune: If you could play anywhere in the world, with anybody, past or present, where and with whom would it be? Why?

Alex: England, Scotland, or Sweden. I don't think our answers would be the same, though. I'm pretty sure our guitarist Christian would say Robert Smith because he's a Cure fanatic. I'd pick Andy Partridge of XTC, or Paul Weller, or Edwyn Collins when he recovers.

Overtune: Do you have a certain favorite song?

Alex: Can we name more than one? :)

Overtune: of course, Thanks Alex for your time.

Link Myspace: Myspace
Genre: Indie / Rock / Tropical

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