Lazy Lorelei is another multi-talented indiepop band from Philippines, formed at September 2005. The band consists of Carl (bassist), Wallu (guitarist ), Pao (drummer ), Lourds a.k.a. Heeowa ( vocalist/guitarist ), and Cezeng (Guitarist/Drummer). Lazy Lorelei was inspired by Cocteau Twins songs, Lorelei and Lazy Calm. They were also inspired by the name of the vocalist of the local band Spring Boutique Lorelei with her lovely and soothing vocals in melodic pop tunes. Lazy Lorelei has a beautiful sounding as Lourds sings on her perfect pop voice.

Here’s a few questions we gave Lourds, read on guys!
Overtune: What do you hope to bring to the crowd when playing a show?
Lourds: We’re not sure. Not all people like what we play. Sometimes they are awestruck by the sound we make (but our music is not even rough to begin with, hmmpf...) especially when we’re included in a line-up of noisy and rough bands (yeah, it happen to us often). But there are two things we notice when our music has suddenly submerged into the unconscious minds of the audience; they began tapping their feet and bopping their heads to the songs we play.

Overtune: Would you mention at least 5 records in your playlist?
Lourds: In my playlist:
BMX Bandits – Doorways
The Sundays - Through The Dark
Cocteau Twins – Lazy Calm
The Cardigans – Cloudy Sky
The Railway Children – Another Town
Overtune: What inspires you to write songs?
Lourds: Experience, frustrations, admirations and nothingness.
Most of the songs were written by me and some melodies were contributed by Carl, my brother (bassist). Wally (guitarist) and Pao (drummer) finishes the songs with their creative ideas and artistic suggestions.
Overtune: What bands were you listening to growing up that influenced your sound as a band?
Lourds: Me and my brother grew up listening to Sesame Streets and Batibot songs. Hehe.. When I was in college, Sugar Hiccup has become influential in my music life. It was in the 90s I started listening to them. I was petrified by Melody Del Mundo’s voice and their music in its entirety. My brother on the other hand enjoyed listening to alternative music when he was in college and then eventually like indie and new wave.
Overtune: What’s your memorable quote for the day?
Lourds: “Operator, give me the number to nine-one-one” – Homer Simpsons. Sorry, I just can’t get it out of my head.
Overtune: Hehe, Pirates or ninjas? :D
Lourds: Pirates
Overtune: Any future releases? or gigs?
Lourds: Future release? I don’t know yet. We still hope.
Gigs? We’re taking a month off. Cezeng, our drummer will undergo surgery and I, on the other hand am going to have my voice/throat check.
Thanks Sheng ha, and the rest of Overtune for this and for including Lazy Lorelei in the Overtune Proj.Vol.2. We really appreciate this.
Nice work.
Overtune: Thanks for the time Ate Lourds! Keep it up Lazy Lorelei!
Link Myspace: Myspace
Link Multiply: Multiply
Genre: Indie/Pop
we also have our blogspot pls. do chekc us out at thanks overtune for the opportunity you given us! God Speed...cheers!
we will add you in our linklist tnx and more power
can i have there email address as well i also have a blogspot which i post local talensta from the past and today collecting stuff so the world will hear us loud and clear
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